Registration & Policies
Enrollment Information
Please visit the Classes page to enroll or for questions call the Firehouse Art Center at 405.329.4523.
Firehouse Values
We believe that art is for everyone.
We aim to create accessible spaces for diverse audiences encompassing all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels.
We serve our community by providing creative exhibitions and programs.
We sustain an inclusive environment through community collaboration and partnerships.
We believe that engaging with the visual arts stimulates health and wellness.
We believe that, by providing innovative art education, we are building a creative community.
To facilitate the safety protocols recommended by state and local health authorities, the following measures have been put into place:
To maximize safety, studios will be sanitized between each class session.
Firehouse faculty, staff, and students are welcome (but not required) to wear a mask.
Class Schedule Policies
Class sizes are limited and enrollment is on a first-paid basis; please register early. Completion of the online enrollment form and full payment is necessary to finalize enrollment.
The Firehouse reserves the right to cancel a class when there is insufficient enrollment 5 – 7 days prior to the start of the class semester. Registrants will be notified and will receive a full refund.
The Firehouse office staff reserves the right to alter the class schedule during a class semester. Students will be notified of any changes in advance.
In the event of inclement weather, the Firehouse will be closed, corresponding to the cancellation of University of Oklahoma Norman Campus classes. For up-to-date class cancellations, please visit our Facebook page or website.
Class Cancellation and Transfer Policies
Cancellation requests must be emailed to with “Enrollment Cancellation” in the subject line. Please allow one month from the date of request for refund to be processed.
Cancellation requests received at least one week prior to the start of the class semester will be refunded in full less a $20 (adult) or $15 (children) administrative fee per class. Materials fees are non-refundable.
Cancellations received less than one week prior to the start of the class semester are not eligible for a refund.
Classes will not be prorated, because Firehouse instructors are contracted on a per class basis.
No class or tuition transfers will apply or be offered, should a student cancel less than a week before the start of the class semester.
Refunds and makeup classes will not be provided due to student illness, planned or unplanned travel, or reasons not the responsibility of the faculty or the FAC.
Enrollment & Class Registration Policies
Payment is due at the time of enrollment; the Firehouse cannot hold a space unless full payment is made.
All class registrations are processed in the order in which they are received. Registrations are finalized when payment is processed.
Wait lists are available after classes are full and are kept in the order in which enrollments are received. Students will be contacted if space in the class becomes available.
Finalized class registration indicates the student/guardian’s acknowledgement and acceptance of all FAC policies.
Unless notified otherwise, enrollment indicates that students and/or parents of students grant permission for use of any visual record of students or their artwork for educational or publicity purposes.
Classroom Policies
The Firehouse reserves the right to substitute instructors at any time during a semester.
Outside of tours/open house events, individuals who are not enrolled in a class are typically not allowed in Firehouse classrooms without the permission of Firehouse staff. Parents are encouraged not to join children in the classroom during instruction time in order to minimize distraction and create an atmosphere conducive to creativity.
The Firehouse discourages students from bringing food and drink into the facility. Students are expected to clean up after themselves.
The Firehouse reserves the right to refuse enrollment or dismiss any student for behavior that is disruptive or unacceptable to the learning environment. In compliance with Firehouse Bylaws (Code of Conduct 9.6), behavior deemed detrimental to the learning environment may result in suspension from attending Firehouse programs/classes.
Instructors will only arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of class to set up the classroom and stay 20 minutes after the end of class to clean up the classroom. Students may only arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of class to allow time for the instructor to set up for the class. Students may stay no more than 10 minutes after class ends to finish cleaning up their materials. Students may only be in the classroom when the instructor is present.
Parents/guardians must arrange for their children to be picked up within ten minutes of the class ending time. If outstanding circumstances prevent prompt pick-up, parents/guardians must call the Firehouse before the end of the class to inform staff of a reasonable pick-up time of the student.
Only the parent or legal guardian is authorized to pick up his/her child unless otherwise stated on the online enrollment form. Please call the Firehouse if individuals need to be added to the approved pick-up list.
Juvenile Protection Policy
In operating programs for children and youth, the Firehouse’s primary responsibility is to protect the health and safety of participating children. Program operators shall design and operate programs for children in compliance with state and federal law as well as this policy and related procedures.
An employee who suspects that a child participating in a program for children is being abused, mistreated, or neglected shall report such information to law enforcement immediately and shall also notify the supervisor of the program. Firehouse employees who are mandatory reporters under Oklahoma law shall report pursuant to the provisions in that law. This policy applies to all Firehouse-operated and Firehouse-contracted programs for children.
All Firehouse faculty and staff must pass a background check before participating in programs which include minors.
All Firehouse faculty and staff are mandatory reporters of child abuse or neglect.
Abuse or Neglect: The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A §5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at a minimum, “any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation;” or “an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”
Different Types of Child Abuse or Neglect
Neglect is the negligent failure of a minor’s caretaker to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision which threatens harm to a minor’s health, safety, or welfare.
Physical Abuse is any non-accidental, intentional, deliberate act that results in physical injury.
Emotional and Psychological Abuse is any act that diminishes the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth by humiliation, intimidation, verbal assault, and emotional deprivation.
Sexual Abuse is any type of maltreatment, violation, or exploitation that refers to the involvement of the child in sexual activity to provide sexual gratification or financial benefit to the perpetrator.
Bullying is the intentional, repetitive harmful act, words, and behavior that makes the victim feel hurt, scared, and/or ashamed. Bullying can also be an imbalance of real or perceived power between the bully and the victim. Different types of bullying include, but are not limited to, physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying, harassment, and hazing.
Grooming is the process where an individual creates a relationship with a minor or the minor's family to gain trust so he or she can take advantage of a minor for a sexual purpose.
Child/Minor: Any individual who is younger than age 18 or who is not an emancipated minor.
Firehouse Programs and Activities: Any classes, programming, or approved activities are considered Firehouse programs and activities.
Firehouse Volunteer or Staff Member: Refers to any person in the organization who provides regular service to the organization and has contact with minors: faculty, staff members, the Board of Directors, program workers, maintenance workers, or anyone that has repetitive access to or contact with students who are minors.
Prohibited One-On-One Interaction Guidelines
To minimize the chance of an individual’s opportunity to groom a minor, the following practices relating to one-on-one interactions between a minor and an approved adult volunteer or hired worker should be followed:
A minor will not be left unattended or unsupervised at any time. The minor should always be within the sight of an approved adult volunteer.
Volunteers or hired workers are prohibited from being alone with students.
Volunteers or hired workers should not interact one-on-one with unrelated minor in settings outside the regular scope of the official Firehouse program (e.g. the volunteer’s home, a restaurant, a vehicle, personal communication including electronic communication).
NOTE: If a staff member is in a position where he/she is left alone with a child, they should not leave the child so long as the staff member has exhausted all the options above to comply with the guidelines of the policy. Likewise, if a child is injured and must be transported to a hospital, urgent care, or treatment center, the staff member should not leave the child alone if all options have been exhausted to comply with the policy in an emergency where medical treatment is necessary.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
When an allegation of abuse is made against a Firehouse staff member or volunteer, the organization must protect the child from any further potential abuse by keeping the alleged abuser away from all children in the program until after the incident is reported to one or more of the below outlets and completely investigated.
Any individual who participates in Firehouse programs must report suspected child abuse, including sexual abuse, within 24 hours to the proper authorities. If a case of abuse is suspected within the Firehouse, it must be reported to the appropriate child services organizations and/or local law enforcement, as well as the Executive Director. REMEMBER: If you or someone else is in immediate and serious danger, you should call 911.